Friday, September 23, 2016


I know that some of you reading this are going through the adoption process right now. 

Some of you reading this probably stumbled across this blog through Reece's Rainbow because you want to adopt and are saying "one day" while in the mean time you are reading the stories of others who are going through the process to see if you can take that leap of faith. 

Others of you are reading this to follow our journey.

Whatever reason you are here, I wanted to share something to encourage those who put your faith and trust in Christ.  We have had a few weeks that have tested us and through it all we continue to see the Lord's provision and His hand and know that He is in control of everything.  He is so good!

We have replayed this throughout the week.  The God of angel armies is always by our side!  What do we have to fear?
"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." - 1 John 4:4
The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. -Psalm 46:7 
"David proceeded with a longer stride, a larger embrace since the God-of-the-Angel-Armies was with him." -2 Samuel 5:10
"And David became greater and greater, for the Lord, the God of hosts, was with him." -2 Samuel 5:10 ESV 
"God is our refuge and strength,
         A very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change
         And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea;
Though its waters roar and foam,
         Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride" 
Psalm 46:1-3

Monday, September 19, 2016

Orphan Challenge

This is Leilani.  Today I read this message about her, like too many that I have read since beginning this adoption journey.
"All of the Leilani fans I'm afraid we do not have much time to find her a family. Since her transfer to an awful place a couple years ago, she has dwindled and continues with each check up. Someone was able to see her this past Friday and get a photo. Her state is even much worst than in august when they visited. Her body is starting to be covered with hair. That is the very last stage of starvation. She isn't dying because of her diagnosis, she is dying because she is starving. My heart is broken. She needs a mama NOW. Please share her. Her grant has over $10,000 lets build it. "

I read these sort of messages daily and it is heart breaking.  There is an orphan crisis with 100,000 children who need families, many in these horrible situations.  These children need you.

I know that not everyone has been called to adopt.  But, we can all pray and prayer is powerful.  We can all share and help open the eyes of other's to these children who need us.  Some have the means to give to help others adopt these orphans and give them the family, love, food and medical attention that they so desperately need.  We can all do something.

We know that some people don't understand adoption or fundraising to adopt.  We know that some people judge us for not being in the "perfect" situation to adopt, whatever their individual definition of "perfect" might be.  But, I don't think there is ever a "perfect" time or position to take a leap of faith like adoption and adopting a child with special needs.  I don't think it could ever make perfect sense and especially to someone who doesn't understand that every one of these children are worthy of life, love and sacrifice.  A day in our lives with the love of family is better than many of these children will experience in their lifetime in an orphanage or institution.  God has called us to help orphans and the "least of these" and we cannot rationalize our way "out of it".  

I read this challenge the other day and I want to pass it on:

"Now, the challenge. Kids in crisis can't afford to wait until it's most convenient for you to care for them. They don't have that luxury. They need you to stop rationalizing what you know God is calling you to do - and just do it. Your "no" is a lot more difficult on them than your "yes" will ever be on you. Perhaps these kids needs your family as much as your family needs these kids. One is given comfort and security for likely the first time in their life while the other is freed from comfort and security, and as a result, actually finds life. Jesus Himself said, "Whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." (Matthew 16:25) In perhaps one of the most counterintuitive and countercultural statements He ever made, we find what life is all about - losing ourselves for the sake of someone else's gain. Hard? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely. What you stand to lose pales in comparison to what everyone, including yourself, stands to gain. There's never really a perfect time to foster or adopt; just a lot of opportunities to say yes to losing yourself despite the many reasons you have to say no.” –Jason Johnson Blog

Please pray for little Leilani, who is starving to death in her institution.  Pray that her family, somewhere, will take a leap of faith and bring her home.  

Please continue to pray for Domenic and our adoption process.  Pray for our papers to process quickly, Lord willing, and for Domenic as he is waiting in his orphanage.  Praise the Lord for the funds that we have received and for the amazing people who are sharing in the joy of binging Nic home and helping through their prayers, generosity and support! 

Also pray for all of these children who are waiting for families.  Pray for the Lord to open the hearts of others to adopt, pray and give to help these wonderful children!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Our Good Father's Gift

Our celebration was a little late, but on Sunday we finally stuck a “2” candle in a loaf of oat flour Pumpkin bread, sang “Happy Birthday” and declared it Colt’s special day!   

When the Lord gave us Colt, He surprised us with a little something extra, something wonderful, changing our lives and hearts forever.

As we celebrated these two amazing years with our boy, and look forward to, Lord willing, many more, I could carry on about his smile, hugs, perseverance, love, funny faces, bear crawl, endless goodnight kisses, dancing, signing, his insistence on waving at strangers until he gets a wave back, and more, that add so much joy and love to this family. 

But, we have known from the beginning that he is here for a much bigger purpose. 
We are all here for a bigger purpose. 
Our birth, life and death is ordained by God and we are here for the glory of God.

It was two years ago, this same month, that I was holding our beautiful baby while reading this verse, being shown again the goodness of our Father in Heaven.
But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise;
God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;
1 Corinthians 1:27
 This world seeks the beautiful, perfect, or “normal”.  They are quick to abort, mourn over or throw out anyone they deem inconvenient, less worthy or less able.  And these are the very ones that God has chosen.   He is a good Father and he has created Colt to be mighty for Him.   

Now as I look back on these two years, I realize I get to vividly witness something that I already knew. God’s word is always true.
The Lord has used Colt to teach us something that the greatest preachers or teachers couldn’t do and because God is a good Father, perfect in all of His ways, He knew that. 

Our love for Colt has opened our eyes to our fear of discomfort, disabilities, pursuit of ease, and the safe road that keep us from the joy of living a life in a deeper walk and a deeper trust in God.
We read verses like
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
James 1:27

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
Matthew 25:40

-and said, “if the Lord opens that door…”, “if the Lord places a baby in our lap we are willing…”, or “another time…”, and “we are doing enough…”.

Even though we know the Lord’s definition of “enough”.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers,  by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 
Romans 12:1

Our Father is so good though.  He taught us and opened our eyes in the most gracious, patient and loving of ways.  He gave us Colt. 

 I  long to be a parent more like Him.  We deserve death and He gave us life.  We deserve eternity in Hell and He gave His son so that we might have eternity with Him.   We ignore His Word and He knows just how to draw us deeper.

 Our perfect Father is using a two year old, who happens to have Down syndrome, to change our lives, to save the life of another baby who he loves deeply, and to show us that those children that have been thrown out and left behind because they are "unworthy", "inconvenient", and uncomfortable, are not just helpless faces.  They are Colt.  They are every one of our children.  Every one of them is worth sacrificing ALL for.  They  aren't helpless.  The Lord has told us to help.  I see those verses that I had read so many times and wonder how I missed what they were saying for so long.     

All of these babies are listed on Reece's Rainbow among hundreds more.

So while we celebrate Colt's 2nd birthday, we really celebrate something much bigger than him.  We celebrate, praise and give glory to our perfect creator, who fearfully and wonderfully made Colt.  We praise him for the good Father that He is in giving us the gift of Colt and pray that He will grow all of us to be more like Him every single day.