The moment a new piece of paperwork comes in we feel as if we must get it done immediately or it might cost that baby another minute in the orphanage. Just sitting on the couch I find myself looking around at what I could possibly sell to bring in funds quicker.
We know that Nic is in the Lords hands and the timing of the adoption process is all in His sovereign providence and we want to be giving our very best efforts and sacrifices too.
While I really don't like talking about money and fundraising so much, it is a rather necessary part of adoption. Please know that your prayers are coveted more than anything as we know that the Lord is who really takes care of this whole thing and we trust in His provision in whatever way He chooses.
Here are just a couple creative ways that can help bring a little more to our funds. If these are something that you are interested in shopping for anyway, than here is a way that you can do it that will give 20% back to our adoption funds.
For one week my friend Elaina Gupton is hosting a Noonday Fundraiser here: Shop Noonday
for our adoption. Noonday sells "an inspired collection of jewelry and accessories made by Artisans across the globe" to provide opportunities for women and families in vulnerable locations.

As some of you know, I have been "into" Essential oils for quite some time. Now I have a whole new purpose and goal with raising money for this adoption. If you have had any desire to purchase essential oils, here is my web site: . All earnings from my essential oil sales (20%) are going straight to our adoption funds. This is my retail page. Shop the retail prices or click "Join and Save" to get starter kits or membership for wholesale prices, which are 25% off the listed retail price and I still earn the funds.
Thank you for your help through your giving and your prayers!!
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